Mar 20Liked by alice-ann hoefkens

Dear Alice, this did make me smile. I'm sure many people can relate to your experience but perhaps not so many have gone as far as unblocking an outside drain. Next step we all have to take is to stop buying so much stuff other than foodstuffs. I think of all the kitchen gadgets Mum had, lined up on kitchen shelves, which were never used but could have been useful for someone who wanted to study dust.

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Mar 21Liked by alice-ann hoefkens

Waste not, want not …. Says it all really.

Maybe we should bring back this slogan that if I was told once I was told a thousand times by my Grandparents as a child.

Resonates loudly in our world of overconsumption and horrific waste.

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Mar 20Liked by alice-ann hoefkens

Oh mama, I wasn't sure on whether to laugh or cry, I hope both trainers and t-shirt are salvageable and not stained as permanent reminders of this day?! I curse our cupboards but mainly because they empty so quickly with two ravenous males in the house, I'm now thinking that they are saving me from a different type of horror ☺️x

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Mar 20Liked by alice-ann hoefkens

I know there is a serious side to this, but oh you have made me chuckle this morning. I can relate to so much of the content..

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