Mar 26Liked by alice-ann hoefkens

Hey, Alice, I got your message, it wasn’t a paid sub, I gave a 100+ people who were reading my blog a lot a free forever subscriptions to all content. There was email sent to each person about it but I know some people miss it. I wish Substack didn’t mark it as “paid subscriber” but something like “forever complementary”.

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Mar 25Liked by alice-ann hoefkens

Brilliant read Alice, thought provoking and very worrying! Thankyou

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Mar 23Liked by alice-ann hoefkens

I didn't know about 3H Alice but I have been concerned for some time with the arrogance of individuals and governments who think only of 'more, more more' whether it's selling mor stuff to us gullible consumers, drilling the earth and sea beds or sending rockets into space (it seems incessantly) to explore other planets and determine how they can benefit from them. Unfortunately it is the arrogant who win the attention of funders and decision makers, Musk being a prime example.

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